Beyond Resilience Happy Hour at Getting Real ’22

Firelight Media
4 min readOct 4, 2022


Firelight Media staff members L to R: Jonathan Kitt, Cassie Grilley, Damon Royster, Rachelle Samson, Sian-Pierre Regis, Antonia Thornton, and Justin Sherwood.

On the evening of Wednesday, September 28, 2022, Firelight Media hosted a Beyond Resilience Happy Hour at Wokcano West Hollywood in Los Angeles during the International Documentary Association’s Getting Real ’22 conference to celebrate our community of filmmakers.

Earlier that day, we hosted the virtual panel discussion Beyond Resilience: Indigenous Forms, bringing together an international group of Indigenous women supported by our William Greaves Research & Development Fund to discuss their films-in-progress — Julianna Brannum, Graciela Pereira de Souza, and María Sojob — which blend traditional forms of storytelling with emergent ones. That conversation is available to stream via YouTube below.

Our Beyond Resilience Happy Hour event brought together over 100 members of our community, including filmmakers supported by Firelight Media’s Documentary Lab, William Greaves Research & Development Fund, FRONTLINE/Firelight Fellowship, and Spark Fund; funders of our programs; individual donors (our generous community of Firelighters); and industry partners and friends.

See below a selection of photographs from the evening from photographer Steven Lam!

Firelight Media President Marcia Smith welcomes guests.

Thank you to all who joined us! It was such a pleasure to gather together in person.

If you would like to support Firelight Media and programs like Beyond Resilience that center nonfiction filmmakers of color for screenings, curated conversations, and commissioned essays about creating and distributing work during periods of social transformation, please consider making a tax-deductible contribution in support of our work. You can donate now via our Beyond Resilience campaign page.

About Firelight Media

Firelight Media is the premier destination for non-fiction cinema by and about communities of color. Firelight Media produces documentary films, supports filmmakers of color, and cultivates audiences for their work. Learn more by visiting



Firelight Media

Firelight Media is a nonprofit organization that supports, resources, and advocates on behalf of documentary filmmakers of color.