2024 Firelight Year In Review: Broadcast and Streaming Premieres
In 2024, more than a dozen Firelight Media-supported filmmakers had broadcast and streaming premieres of their documentaries.

In what has become a time-honored tradition, Firelight Media is proud to announce the list of 2024 broadcast and streaming premieres by members of the Firelight Media-supported filmmaking community.
This year, the list of broadcast and streaming premieres features films supported by our Documentary Lab and Impact Campaign Fund, as well as our PBS/Firelight William Greaves Production Fund. The list also includes films by alumni of our Documentary Lab, Groundwork Regional Lab, and Impact Producer Fellowship program, who continue to make acclaimed and award-winning documentaries whose artistry and social relevance make them among the most celebrated filmmakers in the industry.
Discover the full list below!
Support Firelight Media and 25 Years of Changing the Story

2025 marks Firelight Media’s 25th anniversary! Support our work and our community of filmmakers by making a tax-deductible contribution. All donations support Firelight Media’s programs and operations.
Documentary Lab-Supported Film Premieres

- Hummingbirds (POV), directed by Estefanía “Beba” Contreras & Silvia Del Carmen Castaños
- unseen (POV), directed by Set Hernandez (also an Impact Campaign Fund grantee and an Impact Producer Fellowship alum)
- For Our Children (Netflix), directed by Débora Souza Silva (also an Impact Campaign Fund grantee, Spark Fund recipient, and FRONTLINE/Firelight Fellow)
- Commuted (AfroPoP/America Reframed), directed by Nailah Jefferson and supported by the Firelight Documentary Lab
Documentary Lab Alumni Film Premieres

- Breaking the News (Independent Lens), co-directed by Chelsea Hernandez
- The Greatest Night in Pop (Netflix), directed by Bao Nguyen
- Power of the Dream (Prime Video), directed by Dawn Porter
- The Sing Sing Chronicles (MSNBC), directed by Dawn Porter
- The Cost of Inheritance (WORLD), directed by Yoruba Richen (also a William Greaves Research & Development Fund grantee)
- American Coup: Wilmington 1898 (PBS North Carolina/American Experience), co-directed by Yoruba Richen (also a William Greaves Research & Development Fund grantee)
PBS/Firelight William Greaves Production Fund Film Premieres

- Almost American (PBS’ Voces), directed by Nina Alvarez
- Sister Úna Lived a Good Death (Independent Lens), directed by Par Parekh
More Films by Firelight Media Alumni

- The Exchange: Kaukauna & King 50 Years Later (PBS Wisconsin), directed by Groundwork Regional Lab alum Joanne Williams
- God Save Texas: La Frontera (HBO), directed by Iliana Sosa, an Impact Producer Fellowship alum
- Lil Nas X: Long Live Montero (HBO), co-directed by Zac Manuel, a filmmaker from the HINDSIGHT documentary short film series
About Firelight Media
Firelight Media, which will celebrate its 25th anniversary in 2025, is a nonprofit organization that supports, resources, and advocates on behalf of documentary filmmakers of color. Firelight Media’s artist programs include the Documentary Lab, an 18-month fellowship for underrepresented filmmakers; Groundwork Regional Lab, which supports underrepresented filmmakers in the American South, midwest, and U.S. Territories; and the William Greaves Funds for mid-career filmmakers. Firelight Media also produces digital short films, including the forthcoming collection HOMEGROWN: A Part Of/Apart From, for PBS Digital Studios, and season 3 of In the Making, with PBS’ American Masters.